Zambia – Baby Nasi was only 2 months old, and all of a sudden she had stopped eating and wasn’t sleeping well. With each passing day that Nasi refused to eat, her mother became even more desperate. Then she noticed the lump on the baby’s neck.
Living in rural Zambia, Nasi’s mother did the only thing she could think of and went to see one of her village’s traditional “healers.” The natural treatment the healer recommended did not work. The lump on Nasi’s neck kept growing, and the baby kept getting sicker.
Finally, Nasi’s mother found her way to a MAP-supported clinic nearby, where the doctors were able to diagnose the lump as an abscess. The doctor prayed for Nasi, drained the abscess, then gave Nasi some pediatric antibiotics that the clinic had received from MAP.
“Within a day, baby Nasi was eating well and sleeping soundly,” said the doctor. A few days later, Nasi’s mother brought her back in for a follow-up, and the baby’s abscess was healing well and “she was thriving again. The mother was incredibly grateful for this care and gave God the glory for healing her baby.”
Thanks to MAP supporters, baby Nasi is eating, sleeping, and thriving like every baby should be. To learn more about how you can become part of the MAP family and make a life-transforming difference for kids all over the world, visit map.org.